Join our free book club this summer and let's learn and change together. We will read and discuss The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You by Robert L. Leahy which addresses general worries and issues surrounding common areas of worry—relationships, health, money, work, and the need for approval. This book is for everyone, from the chronic worrier to the occasional ruminator. Sessions run every second week on Thursday evenings from July 11 to September 5 in person or virtually. You are encouraged to attend every sessions but it is not required to attend them all.
Our book club led by Kathlyn is centred on the values of:
Kindness and confidentiality
Non-judgemental approaches
Removing stigma with self-help
Fostering an empowering community
Kathlyn is finishing her Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology. She has a Bachelor's degree in child and youth care, and an Associate degree in social work. She has extensive experience facilitating workshops on a variety of mental health topics, and has found self-help books to be beneficial in her own journey.
Cost: FREE