Clinic & Safety Policies

Masks and footwear are required in the acupuncture clinic space. We provide indoor footwear upon entry.

Please do not come to your appointment if you have a new or worsening fever, cough or other respiratory symptoms. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule due to illness to avoid late cancellation fees.

General Health & Safety

Cancellations & No Shows

A late cancellation, late arrival, or missed visit leaves a hole in the schedule that could have been filled by another client, or creates delays for other clients. To prevent this, we ask for 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment.

Cancellations: Clients canceling with less than 24 hours notice will be charged a $20 fee. Exceptions may be made in the case of an emergency or illness. 

No Shows: Clients who miss their appointment will be charged the full cost of the appointment.

Late arrivals: Priority will be given to clients who arrive on time. Clients arriving late for their appointment may not be treated if the schedule is full, or may have to wait to be treated if the next client has arrived.